Thursday, August 20

Family Matters


Sorry to Burst your Bubble but We will not be watching reruns of the famous “Steve Urkel” show from the 90’s. Man how I miss those simple days. But just like the Song says “As days go by, it's the bigger love of the family”. Family is very important on a daily Basis in our Christian Walk. Without each and every person in the family doing their part and full filling their responsibilities on a daily basis the family wont come together in the way that God intended it to be. As we go through this series we will look at the different people and things that make up a family, how we should be to the other members of the family and how God has taken us into his arms, Loved us and adopted us into his awesome family. And for those that are wondering…Yes for those of you that grew up with this show, the opening theme song will be shown… Cya Sunday!

Keith Davis

Gravity Youth Leader 

Friday, June 12

Keith is Back!!

Yes that is correct I am back. I would be lying if I said I missed any of you. But I do love you guys and its good to be back and into the swing of things. Remember we are competing "Family Feud" Style againest the Factory in our Old testament trivia. I have talked with Andy and they have been training and are ready to win. I hope you guys have been studying up on it. Also we will be leaving for camp this week so ge those bages packed for all that is going. We will depart from the church around 3 p.m. after we pack up the cars and have a small meeting. After church make sure you go grab a bite to eat with your family and make you way back to the church by 3. We will be returning next friday around 12ish. Hope to see everyone sunday.

Keith Davis
Gravity Youth Leader

Friday, May 8


This week we are going on a crash course of all the series we have done since January. You may ask yourself why do we need to go over it a second time? well Ill answer that. One of the events at the “Bowl O’ Smoosch” will be a trivia section with questions from all the series. So start reading those Devo’s you have done. Also we will be doing a little spirit for next Sunday for each team to get you ready for the main event. Don’t miss out. Also start telling your parents you need to bring a 2-liter of soda and bag of chips for the “Bowl O’ Smoosch”. Also if you are interested in going to camp…turn in your forms and your deposit. Keep selling those Spaghetti Dinner tickets too. You guys are doing awesome. See you Sunday.

Keith Davis

Gravity Youth Leader

Friday, May 1

Armor of God…Armor of Gravity


This week we are going over the Armor of God. This is what the entire season has been leading up to. I will be giving out the last piece of “armor” to all three teams. Do not miss out. Remember those playbooks they will come in handy. Also this week we will be starting to sell Spaghetti Dinner Tickets so get them and start selling them for our fundraiser to camp. Stay tuned for more Super Bowl details. See you guys Sunday.

Keith Davis

Gravity Team Leader

Thursday, April 23

Head, Shoulders…Not the Shampoo

Well we made it to our last week of this series. We will finish up talking about all of us making up the body of Christ. What Puzzle piece are you in Christ’s “Body”?

Remember to Bring those books and Devo.

*We will discuss Camp and Fundraising*

See everyone Sunday..

Lets see who Gets what Piece for their “Uniforms”


Keith Davis

Gravity Youth Leader

Monday, April 13

Head,Shoulders,Knees and Toes…Continued.

This week we are back to our normal series. Last week we met we talked about how we are all parts of the body of Christ and how we all “piece” our selves together to form the main Picture. We looked at my unfinished “sandwich” and how it can still be completed just like all of us. This week we continue to dive deeper into what we can do to make the body complete.
Bring those playbooks so we can Piece our “Uniforms” together from all the points you have earned.

See you guys Sunday!

Keith Davis

Gravity Youth Leader

Thursday, April 9

Giant Easter Bunnies Laying Brightly Colored Eggs

"Every year as Easter approaches, stores are filled with jelly beans, candy eggs, egg-coloring kits, bunnies of all types, and baskets for carrying all of this bounty. However, most of us know that Easter isn't simply a commercial festival about dyeing and hiding eggs or wearing new spring attire. Easter is the Christian observance of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and his resurrection days later. It's the central festival of the Christian church and, after the Sabbath, it's the oldest Christian observance."

taken from ""

This Week is Resurection Sunday (Easter Sunday). So we will be downstairs for Worship and service. Remember this day is not only about Giant easter Bunnies and hunting the bunny's Eggs? When did Bunnys lay eggs. Anyways, just remember this is the day that Jesus was resurected (after 3 days) to wash away our sin. I know we get caught up in all the dressing up and such. Take this day to be with your family and rejoice with them that Jesus is King of Kings, Lord of Lords, and shows that with him anything can happen. You are in store for a very awesome service with Gravity's fomer Leader, Chad. He will be speaking about this and go over a few things that you may not already know about. Have a good week.
**Please do not eat festive colored hard boiled eggs,if they have been crushed or have sat out in the sun all day**
Keith Davis
Gravity Youth Leader

Thursday, April 2


(Check out last weeks post of what we will be doing this week)

Well last week we met downstairs for worship…I Decided at the last minute to stay downstairs and listen to what Chad is teaching about. Me and Stephen (Plus Killian) snuck upstairs to doing a little spring cleaning so if you had anything behind the info. center or in the back please let me know. This week we ARE starting the series so be there or be square. I will be announcing the week that we will be going to camp as well as the date of our SmooschBall Super Bowl. Also don't forget that we will be downstairs for worship till the end of the second song. Also we will not be having Gravity on Easter Sunday April 12th. See everyone Sunday.  


Friday, March 27

Head,Shoulder,Knees, and toes…

untitled This week our new series starts. We will be looking at how the Body of Christ is the church and how each part of the body is us. We will look at how we all (as each piece) work together to make it whole. One thing to tell everyone for the next few weeks we will be meeting downstairs for worship. Do not come upstairs report to your designated area in the sanctuary. Do not bother anyone and you will be told when you are dismissed. Bring those playbooks and get ready for a new Series and a new start for your points. See ya Sunday!

Keith Davis

Gravity Youth Leader

Thursday, March 19

Next Piece of the Uniforms are in...

Im sorry to see our series on Gifts end but we are not totall done with it. This week you will be geting the next piece of your uniform (lets just hope you are not in third). You will have one more chance as a team to earn a few more points in a few games we will be competing in. We will also be voteing on the name of or band from the two choices that I have chosen. I will also be introduceing our next series 'If we ae the body...".
Dont forget those playbooks. See everyone sunday.

Thursday, March 12

One Week left of the Gift Series…


Well it has been an exciting ride going through all the “Gifts…For Life”. This week is our last week with our Gift series, this also means its your last chance to earn your points for your next piece of “uniform”. And I do not know about all of you but I do know third place is in for a surprise. All I have to say is you should try your hardest to get into 1st and 2nd. Remember to bring your Playbooks. And leaders remember to get your poems ready for Sunday,  I’m ready fro anything. Also Leader we will have a short meeting right after service. See everyone Sunday. Come prepared to rock out with our new band “The unknown Band name that was formally packing peanuts but now want to change their name but do not know what to change to” Yeah that going to be hard to put on a record label. Have a good week.

Keith Davis                                                                      

Gravity Youth Leader

Thursday, March 5

It’s GGGGifty…

Once again this week we will be skimming the surface of our PUDDING (Gifts). We are still on temp. gifts that were put into place when the church first started but now we do not need any longer. I know what your thinkingfunny_house 

“Why are we learning about them then?”  Well We still need to learn about the foundation of the beginning of the church for us to be able to build upon it. I know i will see everyone on Sunday with their playbooks in hand. the reason i know this is everyone was out Monday due to the weather so that was a profound time to work on them. and remember you only have this week and next week to get your points in for this series and getting your piece of your “Uniform”, so get them in.

Keith Davis                                                                     Gravity Youth Leader

Tuesday, February 24

Gifts…not of the ordinary

Last week we talked about Permanent Gifts that each of us have inside of us. We can use these gifts in all that we do in our everyday lives. This we we look at temporary gifts. These Gifts God has given and are used for a specific time. I will go into more detail so don’t be scared if you are confused. We are regrouping our student band “Packing Peanuts”, so if you play a instrument, sing, or just can clap your hands to a beat, or know someone that does. Contact me or one of your team leaders so we can get our band back at rocking out on Sunday mornings. Don't forget those Playbooks. You only have a couple more weeks to get all your points in for your uniforms for this series (pants). You don’t want your dummy to go around pants less. We are a “come as you are” church but that just crossing the line. See everyone Sunday.

Keith Davis                                                                     Gravity Youth Leader

Wednesday, February 18

This week in Gravity

Last week was a huge success for our Four year anniversary at Passion. (Im still trying to find out Gravity's anniversary). We will be back upstairs this week continueing on our series on "Gifts...For Life". We will focus on Permanent Private gifts and what each one is a a run down on their descriptions. As everyone knows (that was at church last week) we will be loosing the Johnson's. As Gravity is Concerned two of the members of "Packing Peanuts" will be exiting. I know everyone is sad at the loss but this is where God is taking them and their family but our loss is definitely another Church's gain. As for the "Packing Peanuts", not to worry there are plans in the making for them. This Sunday will be their last Sunday leading out worship (unless they want to come back for special appearances every once in awhile) so they are going out with a bang playing a few songs never played on the Gravity Warehouse stage EVER!....So come out and Join us as we say "Cya on the Flip side" to two of our members of Gravity. And learn as to what Gifts God has Given us.

Keith Davis
Gravity Leader

Friday, February 13

Anniversary Sunday

Just a reminder we will not be having Gravity on Sunday...I know everyone is very sad...but one good thing to look at is you have one more week if you didn't finish your Devo. from this week.
Hope everyone will join us for this special day and to stay after to have some soup, salad, and desserts (You thought i was going to say Bread sticks, but we aren't Olive Garden). Hope to see everyone there.And we will see everyone upstairs in the Warehouse next sunday. Have a good rest of the week off.

Keith Davis
Gravity Leader

Thursday, February 5

Giving out the Gifts

We have Started off our series on gifts if you were not there last week. So you best be reading up and doing some Devo. to catch back up. I was giving out gifts this past week...all three teams got there first pieces of "uniform". Good job to all teams but just remember that all points have gotten erased so its any ones ballgame on getting the next piece. hope everyone has a good week and We will all see everyone bright and early on Sunday. BRING THOSE PLAYBOOKS! with completed Devos.'s. And would like to remind everyone our worship band "Packing Peanuts" are back this week. So come and check them out, you may learn something.

Keith Davis
Gravity Leader

Tuesday, January 27

This Week on Gravity

We are done with our first series for our Smooschball season and everyhting is on its way. We have been learning about teamwork and what the bible says to us (as a church family). This week we will continue to Look in the bible about everyones Gifts/Spiritual Gifts, finding what ours are, and how we can use them to fullfill what God wants from each of us.

The "American SideKick" Everyone Wants on thier side

We will Be Continuing to look for my side kick on "American SideKick". So dont forget to vote. This week will be "Theme Songs". All three teams have turned in their points and they are tallied up. So we all knwo what that means...Yes you will officially get your first piece of your "Uniforms". Hope your week is going good. See everyone Sunday.

Keith Davis
Gravity Youth Leader

Monday, January 19

Gravity @ The WareHouse

New Year, New Everything!

Welcome All to the New Gravity Website. Here you will receive all up and coming events as well as what we are learning about if you happened to miss a Sunday (I will need a Doctors excuse) Just kidding. I hope everyone will enjoy it and enjoy this new year. We have been Learning about Teamwork and how we should not always think of what is best for us but what is best for the overall goal of the team. I hope this week you are working on helping others in need and putting your wants aside. We will be learning about Division this Sunday (not talking about the long divsion we all learned in the 3rd grade). We will also see our leaders competing for a spot of my new side kick on "American Sidekick". Last week we saw a lot of Talents from everyone.Leaders if you have not shown your talent yet you will this week.
Oblivious B.I.G. in the House!
(Video Comming Soon)

This Week we will watch them Sing their favorite Theme Song. So don't miss it. Don't forget to vote while you are here. Well I'm off to watch a few Chuck Norris movies. I will See everyone Sunday. Don't forget to get your Notebooks and bring them, we will be tallying up points that everyone has so far.

Keith Davis
Gravity Youth Leader