Summer is coming to an end so that means School is almost back in session….That also means the remix revamp of Gravity at the Warehouse…August 14th will be our first week back since our summer “vacation”. What does that mean to you?
-New meeting time:
6-8 p.m. every Sunday night in the Warehouse
-New Leaders:
We will have a few new faces helping with live worship and games
-New feel:
Night time will give us more time and opportunity to do more things including bringing back the small group time
-New Friends:
More ways to invite friends to the night service that you couldn’t invite in the mornings
-New, New, and more New
Come out and find out what else we have planned for the New and Improved God centered Gravity @ the Warehouse!
August 14th 6-8 p.m.
for the Revamp Remix Get together
Invite your friends your will not want to miss out
Keith Davis
Youth Leader
Gravity @ the warehouse