Thursday, November 3
A-HA!...You've got it!...Or do you?
Well, Not yet...But after this series you will!
Our new series starting this week is called A-HA! In this series we will be focusing on Worship. Who Worships, What's worship, How's Worship, and Why worship. We will dig down deep to figure out all about Worship. Is it just about music or is there something bigger?
Don't miss out on this awesome new series!
Keith Davis
Youth Leader
Gravity @ The Warehouse
Tuesday, October 25
Wednesday, October 12
The Omega Trial
Tuesday, October 4
G.F.N: Movie Night
Sunday, August 21
Prayer is not only a time to bless food, ask for things, or use only in a emergency. Prayer is the conversation we have with our Heavenly Father constantly. iPray will challenge you to focus on how your prayer life is now or even how to start it.
we take our iPods and phones with us everywhere, why not our ipray life too? At the end of the series you will be able to tell everyone that you ipray.
Wednesday, July 20
Gravity @ the Warehouse; Re-mix Re-vamp
Summer is coming to an end so that means School is almost back in session….That also means the remix revamp of Gravity at the Warehouse…August 14th will be our first week back since our summer “vacation”. What does that mean to you?
-New meeting time:
6-8 p.m. every Sunday night in the Warehouse
-New Leaders:
We will have a few new faces helping with live worship and games
-New feel:
Night time will give us more time and opportunity to do more things including bringing back the small group time
-New Friends:
More ways to invite friends to the night service that you couldn’t invite in the mornings
-New, New, and more New
Come out and find out what else we have planned for the New and Improved God centered Gravity @ the Warehouse!
August 14th 6-8 p.m.
for the Revamp Remix Get together
Invite your friends your will not want to miss out
Keith Davis
Youth Leader
Gravity @ the warehouse
Wednesday, May 18
Graduates of 2011
Wednesday, May 11
SmooschBall 2011 Award Ceremony
The 2011 season is over, but what is left to do?
Just like at the end of any other sport there are award ceremonies.
You may be asking "The season is over, Who Won?" and "Did we earn enough to get the pizza party?"
We will all find this out on Sunday...The Coaches may know if we will have a party, but they have no clue of which one will be wearing that hilarious outfit that you have been choosing all season.
Wednesday, May 4
Gravity vs. The Factory- Sunday Showdown: Jeopardy Edition
We have just one more week of the 2011 season, But that doesn't mean THE ULTIMATE SHOWDOWN OF ULTIMATE DESTINY is over!!
Oh no, not just yet.
This Week:
That's right! It's All coming down to what we have learned throughout this season....Jeopardy Style
Both teams still have one more week to earn their points. Your points will help your team:
2) Towards the Average of both teams earned points equaling or going above 85% for a Merged Pizza Party on May 15th, and.
Don't miss out on Week 2 of the ULTIMATE SHOWDOWN! (insert echo here)
Coach (Host) Keith and Coach (Host) Andy are Ready...... Are you?
Friday, April 29
Gravity vs. The Factory: Minute to Win It Showdown Sunday
We are coming closer to the end of our Smooschball 2011 Season. But that doesn't mean THE ULTIMATE SHOWDOWN OF ULTIMATE DESTINY is over!!
Oh no, not just yet.
The next two weeks are going to be more epic then ever! We have finished our Series on the 4:8 Principle; The Secret to a Joy-filled life, but both teams still have two more weeks to earn their points. Your points will help your teamn:
Sunday, March 27
G.F.N.-Extended: Spring Break Kick-off

Tuesday, January 25
The 4:8 Principle
A Joy-Filled Life is what we are all striving for right? Well some have found out the secret are are continuing their joy filled life. While others get Joy-Filled for a small time and then loose it until something "Good" happens Again. Our Human Nature always gets in the way of looking at worldly things to make us happy when The Joy that is already inside of us is waiting to be let out.
In this Series, we will be training our minds and thoughts away from our Human Nature and Toward what God has for us. Just like any other sport "Practice will make Perfect". Each week you will receive your devotional as a way to "exercise" your mind and thoughts to constantly have thoughts that will Continue you toward the Life that God has laid out for you. As with any Training regiment you will need a Coach. That is where Coach Keith will come in. He is here to Train your thought "Muscles" to think of the promises God has for you, to not let a day go by without "working" them out toward the Goal of Unleashing the Powerful Joy-filled Life God has built inside of you.
P.S. Coach Keith Said to Drop and Give him 20 Push-ups!
(Coach) Keith Davis
Gravity Youth Leader
Saturday, January 8
The Factory Vs. Gravity
SmooschBall 2011
Juniors VS. Seniors
(The Factory) (Gravity)
This Season will be one you will not want to miss. Coach Andy of the juniors and Coach Keith of the Seniors have been preparing for this moment since they were born. This competition has been written in history since the beginning of time. Hope both teams are ready for this season because they are up for very fierce competition coming from both sides. Our first week will start January 9th 2011 with our big Pep Rally Kickoff. Games, Snacks, and a hint of how this season will shape up for both teams. You don't want to miss this!
Keith Davis