"Every year as Easter approaches, stores are filled with jelly beans, candy eggs, egg-coloring kits, bunnies of all types, and baskets for carrying all of this bounty. However, most of us know that Easter isn't simply a commercial festival about dyeing and hiding eggs or wearing new spring attire. Easter is the Christian observance of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and his resurrection days later. It's the central festival of the Christian church and, after the Sabbath, it's the oldest Christian observance."
taken from "Howstuffworks.com"
This Week is Resurection Sunday (Easter Sunday). So we will be downstairs for Worship and service. Remember this day is not only about Giant easter Bunnies and hunting the bunny's Eggs? When did Bunnys lay eggs. Anyways, just remember this is the day that Jesus was resurected (after 3 days) to wash away our sin. I know we get caught up in all the dressing up and such. Take this day to be with your family and rejoice with them that Jesus is King of Kings, Lord of Lords, and shows that with him anything can happen. You are in store for a very awesome service with Gravity's fomer Leader, Chad. He will be speaking about this and go over a few things that you may not already know about. Have a good week.
**Please do not eat festive colored hard boiled eggs,if they have been crushed or have sat out in the sun all day**
Keith Davis
Gravity Youth Leader