Friday, March 27

Head,Shoulder,Knees, and toes…

untitled This week our new series starts. We will be looking at how the Body of Christ is the church and how each part of the body is us. We will look at how we all (as each piece) work together to make it whole. One thing to tell everyone for the next few weeks we will be meeting downstairs for worship. Do not come upstairs report to your designated area in the sanctuary. Do not bother anyone and you will be told when you are dismissed. Bring those playbooks and get ready for a new Series and a new start for your points. See ya Sunday!

Keith Davis

Gravity Youth Leader

Thursday, March 19

Next Piece of the Uniforms are in...

Im sorry to see our series on Gifts end but we are not totall done with it. This week you will be geting the next piece of your uniform (lets just hope you are not in third). You will have one more chance as a team to earn a few more points in a few games we will be competing in. We will also be voteing on the name of or band from the two choices that I have chosen. I will also be introduceing our next series 'If we ae the body...".
Dont forget those playbooks. See everyone sunday.

Thursday, March 12

One Week left of the Gift Series…


Well it has been an exciting ride going through all the “Gifts…For Life”. This week is our last week with our Gift series, this also means its your last chance to earn your points for your next piece of “uniform”. And I do not know about all of you but I do know third place is in for a surprise. All I have to say is you should try your hardest to get into 1st and 2nd. Remember to bring your Playbooks. And leaders remember to get your poems ready for Sunday,  I’m ready fro anything. Also Leader we will have a short meeting right after service. See everyone Sunday. Come prepared to rock out with our new band “The unknown Band name that was formally packing peanuts but now want to change their name but do not know what to change to” Yeah that going to be hard to put on a record label. Have a good week.

Keith Davis                                                                      

Gravity Youth Leader

Thursday, March 5

It’s GGGGifty…

Once again this week we will be skimming the surface of our PUDDING (Gifts). We are still on temp. gifts that were put into place when the church first started but now we do not need any longer. I know what your thinkingfunny_house 

“Why are we learning about them then?”  Well We still need to learn about the foundation of the beginning of the church for us to be able to build upon it. I know i will see everyone on Sunday with their playbooks in hand. the reason i know this is everyone was out Monday due to the weather so that was a profound time to work on them. and remember you only have this week and next week to get your points in for this series and getting your piece of your “Uniform”, so get them in.

Keith Davis                                                                     Gravity Youth Leader